Meeting Minutes November 2024 Call to Order: Chairman Kegan called the regular monthly board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 11, 2024. Board members present: Lee Kegan and Justin Clark Others present: Josh Pittman-Patrolman, Judy Humpal-Treasurer, Katie Moll-Clerk, Bob Utphall, Tom Humpal, Joann Utphall and Carrie Green Pledge was recited Meeting Minutes-Clark moved to accept the October General Meeting minutes. Kegan seconded. Motion carried. Financial Report given by treasurer Judy Humpal. Account balances for the month end were as follows: General checking $32,804.78. Equipment Fund $34,419.13. General Savings Fund $31,314.08. Clerk Report-Katie Moll reported on the November election-379 voters, preliminary budget, working on mill rates Public Input: Feedback on annual picnic. It cost way too much for the number that attended. Can it go away? YES Driveway Permit-Kegan moved to approve the driveway permit for Riverland Farm & Ranch. Clark seconded. Motion carried CD options-Carrie Green discussed benefits of moving some funds to a CD to earn better interest than regular savings, from 1.5% to 3.49% for a 1 year commitment. Clar moved to invest $25,000 from equipment savings to a CD. Kegan seconded. Motion carried. Weber Inspections- Kegan moved to approve Weber Inspections for the 2025 year as the town building inspector. Clark seconded. Motion carried. Fire District: Interim Chief, Josh Pittman, to start December 1, 2024.Next meeting will be 11/21 to review the by-laws. The district will start taking applications for permanent Chief. Ambulance District: No report Recycling Budget-The 3 participating townships met to review financials. It costs approximately $13,00 per year for Waterman. No concerns. Patrolman’s Report
Preliminary Budget Clark moved to approve the preliminary budget. Kegan seconded. Moton carried. Vouchers: Clark moved to pay vouchers. Kegan seconded. Motion carried. Adjourn: Kegan moved to adjourn meeting. Clark seconded. Motion carried. Recording Secretary: Katie Moll, Clerk
November 2024 Expenditures
CheckAmountTo WhomWhy 11/1/20245471 $ 1,202.72Dougs Auto1 Ton Tires 11/5/20245472 $ 140.00Heather ClarkElections 5473 $ 140.00Betty Jean SmithElections 5474 $ 140.00JoAnn UtphallElections 5475 $ 140.00Nola KovacikElections 5476 $ 140.00Daryl KovacikElections 5477 $ 140.00Laura RasmussenElections 5478 $ 140.00Connie AndersonElections 11/11/20245479 $ 2,154.31Josh PittmanWages 5480 $ 165.69WI SCTFChild Support 5481 $ 86.97Clear Lake True Valuetools 5482 $ 11,778.86Dunn Cty Hwyspray patching, bridge inspection 5483 $ 14,100.00Boyceville Fire District2024 Annual Assessment 5484 $ 448.88Industrial SafetyFire Ext/ bridge markers 5485 $ 410.00Command Central2025 contract 5486 $ 634.15Skoglund OilTractor Fluid 5487 $ 100.00C.N.A. SuretyTreasurer Bond 5488 $ 679.92Triple TireBackhoe 5489 $ 101.48Glenwood Autobackhoe, shop 5490 $ 146.39Dunn Energy CoopElectricity 5491 $ 22.00Watercare Servicessalt 5492 $ 54.00WatermanGarbage 5493 $ 35.97Glenwood Hardwareshop 5494 $ 32.25Sanders ServiceFreightliner 5495 $ 105.00TribuneElections 5496 $ 199.02BrothersGas 5497 $ 384.90Judy HumpalWages, WiFi 5498 $ 619.58Katie MollWages 5499 $ 1,745.79Josh PittmanWages 5500 $ 165.69WI SCTFChild Support EFT $ 1,343.66IRSP/R Tax EFT $ 749.34Wis RetirementP/R Tax EFT $ 284.90WI DORP/R Tax Debit $ 772.53Peoples State BankLoan Debit $ 219.00USPSpostage Debit $ 113.54CenturylinkWiFi $ 39,836.54 October 2024 Expenditures
Check Amount To Whom Why 5453 $ 2,129.86 Josh Pittman Wages 5454 $ 165.69 Wi SCTF child support 5455 $ 600.00 Bonnies Catering Annual Picnic 5456 $ 67.81 Brothers Gas 5457 $ 10.00 Rural Insurance Adj. 5458 $ 465.64 Triple Tire Mower 5459 $ 175.00 Bug Meisters Mower 5460 $ 69,632.00 Fahrner Chip Seal 5461 $ 130.82 Dunn Energy Electricity 5462 $ 23,125.00 Wirth Exc Gravel Hauling 5463 $ 45.00 Dunn Cty Clerk Dog Lic. 5464 $ 10,187.05 Milestone Materials gravel 5465 $ 393.75 Judy Humpal wages 5466 $ 619.58 Katie Moll Wages 5467 $ 38.50 Tom Humpal Gophers 1 5468 $ 1,745.79 Josh Pittman Wages 7469 $ 165.69 Wi SCTF child support 5470 $ 125.50 Centurylink phone EFT $ 1,837.29 IRS P/R Tax EFT $ 372.50 Wis DOR P/R Tax EFT $ 1,111.60 Wis Retirement P/R Tax Debit $ 75.07 Amazon Shop Supplies Debit $ 10.52 Walmart Election supplies Debit $ 772.53 PSB Loan Debit $ 116.54 Centurylink WiFi Debit $ 308.80 Amazon Tools, Sink $ 114,427.53 TOWN OF TIFFANY
Meeting Minutes October 2024 Call to Order: Chairman Kegan called the regular monthly board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 14, 2024. Board members present: Lee Kegan, Justin Clark and Matt Shepard. Others present: Josh Pittman-Patrolman, Judy Humpal-Treasurer, Katie Moll-Clerk, Bob Utphall, Tom Humpal, and Carrie Green Pledge was recited Meeting Minutes-Shepard moved to accept the September General Meeting minutes. Clark seconded. Motion carried. Financial Report given by treasurer Judy Humpal. Account balances for the month end were as follows: General checking $62,373.58. Equipment Fund $34,392.84. General Savings Fund $91,258.97. Clerk Report-Katie Moll reported on the November election and absentee voters, preliminary budget, quarterly payroll, and town picnic. Public Input: None Fire: Fire Chief resigned effective the end of November because there is too much harassment. District Chairman also resigned effective immediately. The district will hold another meeting on 10/17 to pick a new chairperson. Ambulance: Regular meeting held. No concerns. Patrolman’s Report
Preliminary Budget reviewed. Vouchers: Clark moved to pay vouchers. Shepard seconded. Motion carried. Adjourn: Clark moved to adjourn meeting. Shepard seconded. Motion carried. Recording Secretary: Katie Moll, Clerk September 2024 Expenditures
Check Amount To Whom Why 5435 $ 2,322.02 Josh Pittman Wages 5436 $ 743.14 Wi SCTF child support 5437 $ 313.25 Industrial Safety Safety Gear 5438 $ 5,028.89 Milestone Materials Gravel 5439 $ 70.00 Tribune Elections 5440 $ 89.00 Dunn Cty WTA dues/ dinner 5441 $ 100.00 Robert Utphall Saw use 5442 $ 27.00 Waterman Garbage 5443 $ 223.22 Brothers Gas 5444 $ 316.33 Judy Humpal Wages 5445 $ 619.58 Katie Moll Wages 5446 $ 137.40 Dunn Energy Electricity 5447 $ 397.48 Dunn cty Treasurer August Settlement adj. 5448 $ 1,745.79 Josh Pittman Wages 5449 $ 165.69 Wi SCTF child support 5450 $ 125.01 Century Link phone 5451 $ 1,705.61 Josh Pittman Wages 5452 $ 165.69 Wi SCTF child support EFT $ 235.00 Wis DOR P/R tax EFT $ 743.14 Wis Retirement P/R tax EFT $ 1,323.78 IRS P/R tax Debit $ 210.99 Amazon Shop supplies Debit $ 30.54 Amazon Shop supplies Debit $ 772.53 PSB Loan Debit $ 116.41 Century Link WiFi $ 17,727.49 TOWN OF TIFFANY
Meeting Minutes September 2024 Call to Order: Chairman Kegan called the regular monthly board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 9, 2024. Board members present: Lee Kegan, Justin Clark and Matt Shepard. Others present: Josh Pittman-Patrolman, Judy Humpal-Treasurer, Katie Moll-Clerk, Bob Utphall, Judy Utphall, Gordy Cronk, and Joann Utphall Pledge was recited Meeting Minutes-Shepard moved to accept the August General Meeting minutes. Clark seconded. Motion carried. Financial Report given by treasurer Judy Humpal. Account balances for the month end were as follows: General checking $78,725.15. Equipment Fund $34,364.03. General Savings Fund $91,155.58. Clerk Report-Katie Moll reported on upcoming November election, budget process and town picnic. Public Input: Gordy asked if the board was ok if he took it upon himself to brush hog along some roads. Board reiterated the issues with liability etc. A white truck with a gray bottom was seen ripping up the road on 140th. If anyone knows anything, please let Josh or the board know. Fire/Ambulance: No Report Patrolman’s Report
Adjourn: Shepard moved to adjourn meeting. Kegan seconded. Motion carried. Recording Secretary: Katie Moll, Clerk 5406 $ 2,154.31 Josh Pittman Wages
5407 $ 165.69 Wi SCTF Child Support 5408 $ 664.95 City of Glenwood Fire Dues 5409 $ 2,226.15 Boyc. Fire Dept Fire Dues 5410 $ 60.00 Dedicated animal error 5411 $ 3,495.00 Hwy. Construction Prod Culverts 5412 $ 214.00 Tribune elections, ordinance 5413 $ 184.99 Doug's Auto 1 ton 5414 $ 200.00 Robert Utphall roller rent 5415 $ 333.74 Glenwood Hardware shop 5416 $ 227.15 Brothers gas 5417 $ 169.36 Glenwood Auto supply shop supplies 5418 $ 134.16 Dunn Energy Electricity 5419 $ 47,214.00 Sanitation Products Hot Box Patcher 5420 $ 2,694.34 Sanders Service Freightliner 5421 $ 8,228.00 Monroe 1 ton sander 5422 $ 13,618.80 Milestone gravel 5423 $ 405.99 Judy Humpal wages, reimbursement 5424 $ 619.58 Katie Moll wages 5425 $ 27.00 Waterman garbage 5426 $ 56.00 Gordy Cronk gophers 5427 $ 2,940.00 Synergy Annual Propane Pre buy 5428 $ 75.00 Connie Anderson Elections 5429 $ 140.00 Heather Clark elections 5430 $ 140.00 Darryl Kovacik elections 5431 $ 65.00 Joann Utphall elections 5432 $ 1,745.79 Josh Pittman wages 5433 $ 165.69 Wi SCTF Child Support 5434 $ 125.42 Century Link Phone EFT $ 235.00 WI DOR P/R Tax EFT $ 743.14 Wis Retirement P/R Tax EFT $ 1,332.96 IRS P/R Tax Debit $ 22.46 Cenex lawnmower gas Debit $ 56.85 Subway elections Debit $ 89.88 Peoples State Bank checks Debit $ 72.65 WTA Conference Attendance Debit $ 239.24 Office Depot supplies Debit $ 772.53 Peoples State Bank loan Debit $ 116.40 Century Link WiFi $ 92,171.22 TOWN OF TIFFANY
Meeting Minutes August 2024 Call to Order: Chairman Kegan called the regular monthly board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 12, 2024. Board members present: Lee Kegan, Justin Clark and Matt Shepard. Others present: Josh Pittman-Patrolman, Judy Humpal-Treasurer, Katie Moll-Clerk, Bob Utphall, Gordy Cronk and Michael Bodsberg. Pledge was recited. Meeting Minutes-Shepard moved to accept the July General Meeting minutes. Clark seconded. Motion carried. Financial Report given by treasurer Judy Humpal. Account balances for the month end were as follows: General checking $30,384.05. Equipment Fund $81,518.19. General Savings Fund $111,002.41. Clerk Report-Katie Moll reported on August election, started on budget process and town picnic. Public Input: Michael Bodsberg had a question about brush blocking intersection causing vision issues. Patrolman to follow up. Annual Propane Contract: Chairman did call around for pricing. Clark moved to pre-buy 2000 gallons at $1.52/ gallons from Synergy. Shepard seconded. Motion carried. Fire/Ambulance: No Report Patrolman’s Report
Adjourn: Shepard moved to adjourn meeting. Kegan seconded. Motion carried. Recording Secretary: Katie Moll, Clerk 5387 $ 2,154.31 Josh Pittman Wages
5388 $ 165.69 WI SCTF Child Support 5389 $ 750.00 Boyceville Fire Grass Fire 5390 $ 83.98 Dunn Cty Treasurer MFL 5391 $ 55.41 Bob Utphall wages 5392 $ 2,249.82 Dunn Cty Hwy Spray Patching 5393 $ 121.25 Dedicated Animal Control dog, Insurance 5394 $ 27.00 Waterman garbage 5395 $ 12.07 Glenwood Auto Supply 1 ton 5396 $ 252.45 Brothers Gas 5397 $ 72.13 Glenwood Hardware 1 ton, Shop repairs 5398 $ 1,333.91 Milestone Materials gravel 5399 $ 385.26 Judy Humpal Wages, WiFi 5400 $ 619.58 Katie Moll wages 5401 $ 120.37 Dunn Energy Coop Electric 5402 $ 40.00 Mikes Auto Dump Truck Tire Repair 5403 $ 1,745.79 Josh Pittman wages 5404 $ 165.69 WI SCTF Child Support 5405 $ 125.33 centurylink phone Debit $ 29.01 Cenex lawnmower gas Debit $ 51.68 Amazon supplies Debit $ 120.04 office depot supplies Debit $ 772.53 Peoples Bank Loan Debit $ 113.40 centurylink WiFi EFT $ 1,323.78 IRS p/r taxes EFT $ 235.00 Wis DOR p/r taxes EFT $ 743.14 Wis Retirement p/r taxes $ 13,868.62 TOWN OF TIFFANY
Meeting Minutes July 2024 Call to Order: Chairman Kegan called the regular monthly board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 8, 2024. Board members present: Lee Kegan, Justin Clark and Matt Shepard. Others present: Josh Pittman-Patrolman, Judy Humpal-Treasurer, Katie Moll-Clerk, Tom Humpal, Bob Utphall and Michael Bodsberg. Pledge was recited. Meeting Minutes-Shepard moved to accept the June General Meeting minutes. Clark seconded. Motion carried. Financial Report given by treasurer Judy Humpal. Account balances for the month end were as follows: General checking $2,128.38. Equipment Fund $81,414.47. General Savings Fund $110,790.69. Clerk Report-Katie Moll reported on month and quarter end reports. Working on August election and town picnic. Driveway permit: Kegan moved to approve permit with culvert requirement for Bodsberg. Clark seconded this motion. Carried. Public Input: Where is Nextgen at on our project? Lee left a message. Fire/Ambulance: Follow up on lights/sirens question. The decision was made that after midnight only lights until outside of city limits unless necessary. This will limit disruptions to sleeping households and prevent chasers. Bylaws need to be reviewed/renewed every 3 years. This will be completed at the September meeting. Resolution 2024-3-Shepard moved to approve the resolution to reduce election worker to 3 for the August 13th election. Clark seconded. Motion carried. Patrolman’s Report
Adjourn: Shepard moved to adjourn meeting. Clark seconded. Motion carried. Recording Secretary: Katie Moll, Clerk |